TOVAtalks with Eliyokim Cohen of Jews News

TOVAtalks with Eliyokim Cohen of Jews News

Standing up for what you believe in is so important especially when the opposing voices are so loud. Many times people shrivel away, shrinking, closing down, their thoughts for fear of being yelled out, made fun of, belittled, or targeted. Nowadays everyone is so vocal- …Continue Reading

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TOVAtalks with Holocaust Survivors

TOVAtalks with Holocaust Survivors

After hearing the Holocaust survival stories of my children’s great-grandparents…Continue Reading

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TOVAtalks with Eytan Morgenstern

TOVAtalks with Eytan Morgenstern

Living in Israel is a…Continue Reading

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TOVAtalks with Nachman Solomon of The Solomon Brothers

TOVAtalks with Nachman Solomon of The Solomon Brothers

After enjoying countless concerts by The Solomon Brothers,  I was intrigued by this family and all their musical talent. They perform all over Israel and the world at large- even as far as South Africa. Their music is …Continue Reading

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TOVAtalks with Eli Veffer of Shoot East

TOVAtalks with Eli Veffer of Shoot East

Recently I had the incredible …Continue Reading

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