In life, when you hear about something, you can’t fully appreciate its value until you experience it first hand, up close and personal. Last year, a friend of mine began volunteering at the same time I was volunteering in the hospital. We’d often discuss our experiences in our respective locations. Sarra Horwitz volunteered in Susan’s House in Talpiot, Jerusalem. She has since turned it into a full time job because of how much she loved and gained from being there. And then she gave me the greatest gift- an invitation to come visit Susan’s House, so that I can truly appreciate this gem in Jerusalem, Israel.
If you’ve ever gone out in any city late at night, you may see things that aren’t so kosher- binge drinking, drugs, gangs, violence. The types of things you don’t want for your own children to witness or ever end up being involved in. But these things are happening by children. Teenagers. Many of them may not have a safe home or any home at all to return to. Many have run away and are living on the streets. No longer enrolled in school. Without hope. Without real love. Without family to depend on.
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