Life takes you on many journeys. Often, you never know where. But each day is a …Continue Reading
Nerves and Validation
This past Shabbat, we were sitting around the dining room table enjoying the delicious foods I had cooked based on everyone’s specific preferences. Roasted asparagus for my oldest, pumpkin muffins for my son, and cauliflower for his twin sister, just to name a few. Conversations ensued, expected fights amongst the kids broke out, and laughter and giggles over the silliest things filled the room.
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Reminiscing Randomly
6 Months. Not 6 days, or 6 weeks. We made it to half a year. It seems like just yesterday we walked off the plane and into our new Homeland. It feels like a dream- the perfect dream that you never want to end. So much has happened since we moved to Israel- it seems like more things have happened in the last 6 months than have happened in the last 6 years in America. Maybe it’s because I am not officially working this year yet. But that doesn’t mean I am just sitting around twiddling my thumbs. I have, in my opinion, taken every day here and given it my fullest attention. Here are some random things I’ve figured out since moving here with my family.…Continue Reading