This May Shock You

This May Shock You

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Garbage Strike in Jerusalem

Garbage Strike in Jerusalem

Strike! When one goes on strike- be it the bus company, teachers, or even a mom who is annoyed that her kids won’t all eat the same disrupts the order. Order. Something we are used to.

This week, in Jerusalem, there is a …Continue Reading

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TOVAtalks with Ashley Perry of Reconectar

TOVAtalks with Ashley Perry of Reconectar

I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to interview Ashley Perry, President of a remarkable organization called Reconectar.
In this interview, you’ll learn about Ashley’s life and his incredible work. You’ll learn about how descendants from Spain and Portugal are returning to the Jewish world after being forcibly converted during the Spanish Inquisition.
Thank you Ashley Perry for the opportunity to learn about Reconectar. Thanks tothe Nachum Segal Network and Yoni Pollak‘s Bite Show for broadcasting this fascinating interview.

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TOVAtalks with Sacha Gorelik

TOVAtalks with Sacha Gorelik


This week on The Nachum Segal Network’s Bite Size with Yoni Pollak, I had the pleasure to sit down with Sacha Gorelick, founder of The Sabra Patch, in Jerusalem. As a young mother, expecting her 3rd child very soon, and a self-made entrepreneur, she truly impressed me. She is balancing a wonderful business that is promoting Israeli artists to thrive. Continue Reading

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TOVAtalks with Avi Abelow

TOVAtalks with Avi Abelow

Avi Abelow is someone I truly admire. Someone that is bringing Israel into her well-deserved spotlight of truth and positivity. I’ve met with Avi on a couple of past local events and thought it would be wonderful to interview him formally.

Listen to the interview to find out

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