The Lone Soldier Center in Memory of Michael Levin does …Continue Reading
TOVAtalks with The Lone Soldier Center

Over the course of all the Jewish holidays, school was not in session for many days. There was no lack of bonding time, and plenty of “kids-annoying-each-other-time”. It also opened my eyes to the many ways my kids are becoming more and more Israeli. It puts the biggest smile on my face when they “sound” Israeli. My heart literally begins palpitating as I hear them roll the letter R or when they put their fingers together and say shnia (just a second).
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Earlier today, with an Artscroll Yom Kippur Machzor under my arm, sneakers on my feet, and my children flanking me on each side, we started the hour-long trek to the Kotel. After I joined the Minyan for Mincha and Neila last year, I decided to return with the children this year. To my surprise, they were more than willing to join. It may have to do with the fact that their cousins joined us too. I’m almost positive that it had nothing to do with a minor bribe I offered. I’m sure not.
When Olim move to Israel, many move to communities outside of Jerusalem. First thoughts that come to mind when thinking of Jerusalem are: Tourist attraction, vacation home, a wonderful place to visit. But in actuality many Olim do move to Jerusalem- to communities such as Katamon, Talpiot, German Colony, Talbia, Baka, Makor Chaim, Har Choma, Gilo, Rechavia, Pat, Arnona, Armon Hanetziv. For many though, Jerusalem has more of a city, anonymity, feeling. But many do desire and wish for a sense of community while living in the city.…Continue Reading
During our very long 9 week stay in America someone asked me , “Are you happy to be back home in America?” I responded by saying, “I am not home- Israel is my home.” The conversation continued, “But how could that be? You lived in America all your life- and for only one year in Israel. How is it possible that it could be your home so quickly?”
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