TOVAtalks with Eli Poch

TOVAtalks with Eli Poch

What a pleasure it was for me to visit Eli Poch’s store Kfar Hayayin in Gush Etzion, Israel.

The interview was broadcast on Yoni Pollak’s Bite Size show on The Nachum Segal Network,
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TOVAtalks with Erik Claster, Future Israeli Dog Sledder

TOVAtalks with Erik Claster, Future Israeli Dog Sledder

You’ve seen him jump into freezing cold pools of water. You’ve seen him run through forests. You’ve heard all about him wanting to make history as the first Israeli Dog Sledder in Fjallraven Polar. BUT NOW- listen here to find out- WHO IS Erik Claster?! Listen to my interview of the guy that’s going to put Israel on the dog sledding map!Continue Reading

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TOVAtalks with Sacha Gorelik

TOVAtalks with Sacha Gorelik


This week on The Nachum Segal Network’s Bite Size with Yoni Pollak, I had the pleasure to sit down with Sacha Gorelick, founder of The Sabra Patch, in Jerusalem. As a young mother, expecting her 3rd child very soon, and a self-made entrepreneur, she truly impressed me. She is balancing a wonderful business that is promoting Israeli artists to thrive. Continue Reading

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TOVAtalks with Avi Abelow

TOVAtalks with Avi Abelow

Avi Abelow is someone I truly admire. Someone that is bringing Israel into her well-deserved spotlight of truth and positivity. I’ve met with Avi on a couple of past local events and thought it would be wonderful to interview him formally.

Listen to the interview to find out

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Red Tie Cocktail Event in Jerusalem

Red Tie Cocktail Event in Jerusalem

The Red Tie Cocktail Event in Jerusalem’s Light Rail at the Ammunition Hill train station was mesmerizing, a night of elegant magic. It was the opening event for Jerusalem’s Open Restaurant Festival. The week long festival from November 22-26, includes a vast array of restaurants participating. Dinners, cooking demonstrations, kids workshops are some of the experiences the guests will have the opportunity to enjoy.

The guests began the Red Tie Cocktail Event evening with a glass of sparkling champagne in hand to set the mood. They were given red paraphernalia as dress up for their formal attire to symbolize their “ticket” to ride the train. Feathers in hair, glittery hats, ties and bowties, and necklaces were just some of the fashions on display for all the locals observing from a distance, mouths agape.

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