TOVAtalks with Manny Waks

TOVAtalks with Manny Waks

This new TOVAtalks interview is of a different nature than others. …Continue Reading

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TOVAtalks with Leibel Mangel

TOVAtalks with Leibel Mangel

Sometimes in life, regardless of your background, you choose to focus on the positive.

You choose to motivate others.

That’s the mission of Leibel Mangel.…Continue Reading

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TOVAtalks with David Kramer

TOVAtalks with David Kramer

It’s not often that you hear about the incredible things Israel does for the world at large. Truth be told, …Continue Reading

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TOVAtalks with Holy Simcha

TOVAtalks with Holy Simcha

It was an absolute pleasure to meet Eliyahu and Rivkah Adinah Kanush, the DJs of Holy Simcha Entertainment.…Continue Reading

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Shofar So Good

Shofar So Good

Did you ever go to shul (synogogue) on Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, and hear a-not-so-good Shofar blowing? Did you ever think to yourself, “I can do better than that!”?…Continue Reading

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